This will be a nice quick hitter today. Something that I wanted to revisit regarding detoxification processes is a way to improve rate of detoxification in the body through some specific measures. Obviously, eating a clean diet and removing toxin exposure is HUGE, but there are other specific lifestyle and physiologic adaptations which can be helpful.
Urine pH is an awesome marker to help determine one’s ability to remove excess toxins
Urinary pH of 7.5 enable to body to more readily excrete toxins.
Potassium can be used as a nutrient in alkalize urine and increase urinary pH, if necessary.
Testing urinary pH is as simple as utilizing litmus test strips which can be purchased online or at any pharmacy.
Reduce alcohol
Improve sleep
Drink water
Reduce sugar and eliminate processed foods
Eat more nourishing and antioxidant-rich foods
Eat foods higher in prebiotics (fiber, kombucha, kimchee, sauerkraut, etc)
Reduce salt intake (unless using Celtic Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt)
Increase physical activity

Of course, we should really be doing these things on a regular basis. Sometimes life can get in the way though. This is why it is important to continue to strive for good health. Health is not an end-game, but a constant battle requiring consistency, patience, and discipline. As our surroundings adapt, our bodies react and attempt to adapt with it. In order to allow for this to occur we need to focus on what true health is. Simple: eat well, sleep well, move well, think well, love well.
That’s it for today. We have some exciting news coming in the next few weeks from the office so I will be back sooner with a new post in the coming weeks!
In Christ and Health,
Dr. B