Contrary to the normal belief, the food we eat is not just utilized for energy in our bodies. It is also the greatest medicine know to human-kind. We’ve all heard the old saying “you are what you eat.” Well this is 100% the truth. With March being National Nutrition Month is important to outline some of the amazing benefits of actually caring about the foods you eat so you can continue to reap the amazing health benefits all year long!
Over the last 50 years there have been numerous changes in ideology in regards to health and what is good or bad for us. In reality, there has been one thing that has held true. EAT REAL FOOD!
There are major issues with our Standard American Diet (SAD). Aside from the fact the acronym is literally depressing, we have begun the onslaught of producing a lot of food-like substances for mass consumption without realizing the health implications. We live in a society which is overweight/obese, malnourished, and pumped full of synthetic hormones and chemicals to the point our natural physiology has no clue how to function anymore. We have more diseases being “discovered” each day because we have been creating them! Many foods we think are healthy really aren’t. We base our food decisions on marketing and commercial advertisements from companies who in all honesty don’t care they are poisoning us. Check out THIS article by Dr. Mercola, which outlines the daily exposure we have to chemicals in our foods that are slowing killing us. The key to combat this is with growing and knowing where your food is coming from or been exposed to. Simplifying our diets can make the world of difference also in allowing us to take in the proper nutrients, vitamins, and minerals needed to express true health!

Of course, we all try to read up on the latest and greatest in regards to healthy diets and nutrition advice, but there can be a lot of junk to sift through. One of the more accurate guidelines I have found to be true in almost all aspects comes from an evidence-based approach by Authority Nutrition. This is based on the research and not your neighbor who may or may not actually have the credentials to know anything about nutrition from a biochemical standpoint. Use these health and nutrition tips to help guide you through the waters. Here’s an idea as to how different foods will affect your body!

Get the picture??
Another interesting nutritional approach to health is using it to cure disease on a functional level in addition to allowing our bodies to express complete wellness. Recently, there has been a complete explosion of evidence proving the approach of nutrition and controlling epigenetics (CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT EPIGENETICS) to be beneficial for the human body. This approach is outlined by Pharmacist, Ben Fuchs and Dr. Bruce Lipton in an interview podcast. I recommend taking 5 minutes out of your day to hear this!
For the complete list of March awareness topics please to go:
See you all in April! We will be opening our Greensburg location at Reclaim Gym in the first part of the month. Stay tuned for full updates on our Facebook page!